

New Hub Look!

*Example only for TAE40116 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

My Course has found its spark!

Are you finding it time-consuming getting to your relevant course info on My Course on The Hub? We hear you!

We’ve improved My Course and will be listing your subjects, prerequisites and useful links into a logical order.

We’ve introduced a new welcome eLearning module to make sure you know exactly how to get started and provide clearer instructions and how-to guides.

To reduce confusion, we’ve renamed ‘My documents’ to‘My storage’and moved it to the My Course page.

在这里您可以存储文件如果你不能save them to your desktop. We appreciate your feedback on how we can improve. We want you to find your spark while you learn with us, so we’re excited to bring you these new enhancements.

What do you think of the new Hub?Let us know!

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