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Changing Careers The Smart Way — Tips And Tricks To Do It Right

Changing careers for the average Australian falls under the numbers offive to seven timesduring his or her time as an employee. If you think people retire with the same company where they started their career, well, think again.

The move fromcareer A to career Bcan be caused byvarious internal and external reasons— which may lead others to even go as far as career Z!

At first glance, the thought of a career change can be easily entertained — especially whenmotivated by the status of your current job role.

It’s either youdon’t have the same motivationyou had when you first came in, or you can’t see that yourwork is proving to be useful to someone or something.

感觉类似真的可以影响到你think, your performance, and how you interact with colleagues.

Just like anyone experiencing the same situation, your natural course of action is toget out of your current setting,andmove on to a better one.

But while it seems the best thing to do,don’t rush the decisionand movebefore you’re actually ready. You don’t want to make a mistake that you might regret in the long run.

Here are smart tips to consider if you’re thinking about changing careers:

1.Evaluate Your Current Job Satisfaction

woman satisfied with her work. Evaluating if changing careers is best

考虑到你already having thoughts of moving forward, you should firstevaluate your current job situationbefore switching careers.

Start byidentifying and listing downthe things you love about your current job role and the company as an organisation.

Then pin them side by side with those that you don’t like. Or, the reasons that made you think of moving on.

If you come to realise that what triggers you tomove on to a new careeroutweighs everything youlike and love about your current career, thenmoving on might be best.

But, if in case you realise the opposite, then you might want tolay backand take your time to considerstaying for a little while.

Who knows, you may possibly amend every issue you have with your employer with the right and proper way of settling things.

The point is,don’t rush anything. Take the time tobreathe, assess, and reflect.Don’t end up making the wrong choice in the end.

2.Check Out Job Options

A group of three individuals checking out job roles before changing careers

Changing careers is not as easy as anyone thinks it may be. Especially if you’ve been inthe same industryanddoing the same thingfor quite some time.

If you are leaning towards a career change, then the first thing to do isconduct in-depth researchabout the possible job roles and career paths you want to take on next.

Scout the next best possible job role that’s somehowrelated to your previous work.

You don’t want to jump ship into a career that you are unsure of, and might end up making your current situation even worse.

Shifting from one industry to a completely new one can be tricky. But, as long as you can still apply theskills and knowledgeyou have acquired from your previous job roles,youmightbe able to adapteasily.

3.Upgrade Your Skills

Man upgrading skills for corporate use

Prepare yourself in changing careers by looking for ways on how toupgrade your current skillset.

If you’ve been doing the same thing for quite some time already,thenit’s safe to say that you may already haveprofessional-level skillsforwhatever your job roleis.

With that said, it’seasy to get complacent. You may think that what you already know is all there is — and that might prove to be problematic.

If you’re looking to switch careers, it might be best to upgrade your existing skills. Stay updated andacquire relevant knowledgethat will help you stay competitive in the game.

4.Consider A New Job In The Same Industry

Group of professionals negotiating for business reasons

Finding a new job shouldn’t always meanshifting into a new Industry entirely. Consider taking ona new job role within the same industry.

Thisway, you canpreserve the knowledge you have accumulatedwithin your current industry.

You’dhavefewerproblems, if not none at all,in transitioning and adapting to your new job rolewith this option.

If you are a store manager for a large retail chain and have grown tired of the evening and weekend hours, consider a move to corporate recruiting within the retail industry. Or if you are a programmer who doesn’t want to program, consider technical sales or project management.

5.Update Your Resume

.Woman updating her resume

Evaluate yourself and see if your resume needs to be updated.

If you’ve been with the same employer for at least three years now, then you’re not the same person as when you first submitted your resume to them.

It’s because you’ve probably gainedvaluable skills and knowledgeduring that period. This may come from all theinternal and external trainingyou’ve had with your employer.

It’s good to update your resume with all that acquired experience, as it will really make you look better.

If you need a refresher on how to go about your resume, view the blog we have onResume Writing Tips. But if you’re all good, then start updating now!

Switching careers may make or break your future. This is why it’s best to do it the smart and proper way.

Again, this is a huge deal for every working-class individuals. That’s why ample thought should be given before changing careers.

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